About CalWORKs
CalWORKs works to build strong families by helping parents reach their career potential.
Are you a parent with limited income?
You are eligible to receive CalWORKs services if you currently receive TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) and plan to or already attend Foothill.
If you currently do not receive TANF benefits but think you are eligible, please visit mybenefitscalwin.org.
For nutrition assistant, visit GetCalFresh at students.getcalfresh.org.
Through our program, students may
- Earn a college certificate
- Pursue a new career
- Gain valuable job skills
- Find meaningful work
Services Provided
- Academic, Career & Personal Counseling
- Case management and tracking of student progress
- Book vouchers, transportation, and educational supplies
- Work-Study
- Counselors and staff familiar with WTW requirements and regulation
- Job Development & Placement
Occupational Training Institute
CalWorks at Foothill College is part of the Foothill-De Anza Occupational Training Institute, located at De Anza College.
OTI supports CalWORKs and WIOA eligible students enrolled in Career Technical Education programs at Foothill and De Anza Colleges
We also work closely with select employers and provide them with interns and qualified employees.
Other OTI Programs
Workforce Training Program provides support if you've been laid off and are economically disadvantaged. Referrals from local Workforce Boards (WIOA) —including NOVA and Work2Future—are welcome.
CompTechS provides hands-on IT internships for students seeking careers in Information Technology.
In turn, the program provides free computers for both Foothill and De Anza College students.
Internships are available through both CalWORKs Work Study and CompTech.
Questions About OTI?
Contact Sabrina Stewart, OTI program aupervisor, at stewartsabrina@fhda.edu or 408.864.8360.

I'm Here to Help!
Lily Luu, EOPS Sr. Admin Assistant
Bldg 8200, Office 8208