Disability Resource Center
Prospective Notetakers
If you take detailed, well-organized notes, apply to become a DRC notetaker! This is a wonderful way to make a positive difference for a fellow classmate and support the DRC. This position shows service leadership, which can also strengthen job or college applications. Note-takers can receive an hourly compensation beginning $15/hour.
We often receive multiple applicants for note-taking positions. If you are not chosen, don't worry! We receive many requests throughout the quarter, so we may receive a request that matches your course schedule later on. We can notify you when positions open throughout the quarter.
If you are interested in becoming a DRC note-taker, please complete an application and email a copy of your resume and a sample of your notes to Michelle Lapitan (lapitanmichelle@fhda.edu). Sample notes can be from the course you are applying to, or a previous course if the quarter has not yet started.
Note-taker Responsibilities
The note-taker position is filled on a case-by-case basis and is contingent upon the requests the DRC receives. Priority is given to students that are enrolled or were previously enrolled in the class a DRC student is requesting. Note-takers will not be paid for days notes are not taken (i.e. tests, midterms, finals).
Notetaking Policies/Procedures
- Notes will be provided in a typed* format by the notetaker and email the notes to the accommodations coordinator, Michelle Lapitan, within 24 hours after each class meeting. *Exceptions can be made for handwritten notes depending on the class.
- Attend all lectures, labs, and class meetings for which you are note taking in a punctual
and dependable manner.
- If you know in advance that you will not be able to attend a class meeting, please notify Michelle Lapitan, the accommodations coordinator, as soon as possible to allow her to coordinate an alternative solution.
- Always record the date, course name and number, lecture title, and page number on each page of notes before submitting them
- If using abbreviations, keep them consistent.
- Make a special effort to record all topics covered during the lecture, what the instructors writes on the board, and clues even though some information may seem insignificant or obvious to you.
- Always record professor office hours and locations, as well as times and locations of optional study sessions.
- Record all homework assignments and test dates. Use asterisks to identify words or concepts that, by voice inflection, seem to have importance.
- If applicable, be available to meet with the student briefly before or after class to answer specific questions regarding your notes, as requested by the student.
- Please keep the identity of the person you are taking notes for, anonymous.

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Disability Resource Center Virtual Front Desk
Student Resource Center Building 5400
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