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Julie Jenkins

Anthropology, Global Studies & Honors Instructor

Business and Social Sciences Division



Foothill campus
Office: 3005

Course information:

These are the course I teach:

ANTH 1 Intro to Physical Anthropology

ANTH 2A Cultural Anthropology

ANTH 2AH Honors Cultural Anthropology

ANTH 5 Magic, Science & Religion

ANTH 6 Perspectives from Africa

GLST 1 Introduction to Global Studies

GLST 2 Global Issues


I am socio-cultural anthropologist, and my research looks at the intersection between West African indigenous religions and transnational flows of ideas and resources centered on human rights and contemporary forms of slavery.

I'm originally from Indiana and a first generation college graduate, and had the wonderful opportunity to do a study abroad program in Ghana and in Scotland. So after I completed by BA, I decided to move to the UK to complete my MSc in Anthropology & International Development at the London School of Economics and my PhD in Anthropology at the University of Sussex.

Since then, I have taught anthropology courses in a variety of higher ed institutions throughout the country, including in medium and maximum security correctional facilities!

Last update: 2022-09-06
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